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Riley's impression of mommy," training her Teddy to go potty
1. Boil pasta until el dente
2. Add one purple crayola crayon
3. Attempt to retrieve before crayola melts.
(Yes, Riley Roo loves throwing things and tossed the crayon in the pasta! Funny now, however, not so funny at the time as I have a very small window to do dinner before Jason has to leave for class!)
We had a great time over Jason's birthday! We went to Leavenworth and met Jason's parents, Uncle Jermy (as riley calls him) and Aunt Val. What a great fun town. The fish hatchery had "Salmon Fest days" and Jason ran in a small marathon there. Wow - the hatchery there put on a very impressive festival. I hope my dad can go next year as I think he would really enjoy seeing it.
We also went to this pumpkin patch where there was a petting zoo, play area, and a great farm with many yummy things!
Leavenworth is a pretty impressive little town with tons of character! There is something to see and do at every corner - literally
What a great game!! Riley did "okay" during the first and second quarter, started to get very difficult in the third quarter, and luckily went to sleep in the last quarter. Yeah! The Quest Stadium is really amazing and we had a great time. We had a tailgate party before the game started which was also pretty fun. I think all in all Riley enjoyed her first football game. When she watches football with Jason, she looks at him, looks back at the television screen, then starts yelling at the TV, just like her daddy is.
Riley cracked us up on the plane. We were on our way home from New York and had just gotten on the plane. Riley wanted to breast feed so bad and I kept telling her, "As soon as everyone sits down." Riley stood up on my lap, faced the back of the plane and yelled several times, "Siiiit dooooown!"
Riley absolutely loved the airplane. When we were at the airport she insisted on standing by the glass windows so she could watch the planes. When she saw one she would get so excited and start yelling, "Airmane, Airmane, Airmane," and it's continued since we have been home. She will all of a sudden yell it in the car and Jason and I are, like, "There's no plane, honey." And then, what do you know, there really is a plane. She can spot a plane like you wouldn't believe!
Unfortunately, most of the pics of the family reunion were taken with my parents camera. It's a Z612 Kodak and I fell in love with it! It's amazing. Anyway, I was taking pics like mad with this camera and realized, "Hey, I hardly have any pics" when I got home! Ugh! So I will have to blog the reunion later.
Yes, Riley is a Jamba Juice Junkie! She absolutely loves Jamba juice, particularly the Berry-fulfilling! It's rare to find a food that Riley really enjoys, so it's pretty funny to us to see her actually enjoying a food item sooo much. Yesterday I ordered a 16 oz. for me. Jamba Juice does something so cool, and that is they take some of mine from the 16 oz. and put it in a little cup with a little straw for the kids. This makes Riley feel like such a big girl and I don't have to listen to her saying, "Mine, mine, mine!" (Her favorite new word) Riley wraps her lips around the straw and drinks it down. It reminds me of the old Nestle Quick commercials where they drink the glass of chocolate milk down with one suck of the straw! I actually had to give her the rest of mine because she finished hers and was very persistent in saying more. Oh, well, it's a good way to cut down on calories for me!
Riley is quite a talker! Here are some of the new words and phrases that we get a chuckle out of (and that we can actually understand):I dit: (I did it!)Ino, Ino, Ino (Riley uses this phrase when she is upset. Why? Riley hates diaper changes and cries and has huge fits. I always console her by saying, "I know, I know, I know, Riley..." This now has become her favorite phrase whenever she is frustrated. When I use the term, you can bet she repeats it after me which is pretty funny. Reminds me of a thirteen year old with an attitude.) Hi, Hi, Hi (Riley LOVES to tell people Hi. Nothing unusual about this except....She only says "hi" when they have their backs to her. As soon as they turn around she gets a case of serious "shyness". So as we are leaving stores all she is saying is "hi, hi, hi," or "bye, bye, bye.")Baby (We just got Riley her first baby doll, July 23rd, 2006, and she loves this baby doll. If you try to even touch her baby she says, "Mine, mine, mine!" We also got her a stroller that she loves pushing around the house.) Ba, ba, ba (Ball. She calls everything round "ball." EVERYTHING!) Apple (Riley will eat ANYTHING if you tell her it's an apple!)Mine (Her favorite word of all time!)Oh, no!Pee-boo (Peek-a-boo!)Bie (Since we started taking Riley for bike rides, everytime she sees a bike she will point and say "bike" and become very excited! Voom (car)"Pee-pee" or "poo-poo" (Since we bought Riley her potty chair she has gone "pee-pee" four times in her potty chair, about six times on the carpet and poo-poo one time on the porch!)Vwa (Duh! This means she wants to breastfeed! You couldn't figure that out?)Bu (Bird)Wawa (water)Shit (This is how she says "shirt." Really! She is not able to pronounce her "R". ) Fee (Feet)but (belly button) Ka (car)Ki E (kitty)*Riley repeats EVERYTHING right now. We are really minding our Ps and Qs. It's pretty frightening what little kids will say!*
Before Riley was born I had no idea how Chloe would handle having Riley around. Chloe is a Persian and she has quite a tendency to feel superior and not see a need to put up with anything more than what needs be. She likes things her way and has never been a cat to let anything, anyone, or any other cat (no matter what the size) to get in her way. That said, Chloe has turned out to be the best cat ever. Riley L-O-V-E-S this cat. In the morning Riley looks for Chloe and greets it like she does any person. A very bright and sunny "Hello!" When Chloe is eating, Riley will go up to her and hug her. When Chloe comes in from outside, Riley will bend down and hug her again. Does Chloe like this? NO WAY! I believe she actually hates it. She does, however, tolerate it. No matter how many times Riley has pulled her hair, squished her by laying on her, screamed in Chloe's ears, ate her cat food (yes, she has), woke Chloe up from a dead sleep, Chloe just tolerates it and finds a good hiding spot for a while.
There are times when Chloe is feeling very affectionate and she will actually try to get Riley to pet her. I keep saying to Riley, "Gentle!" I am pretty sure Chloe knows the patience she has been exhibiting is going to pay off as Riley get older and that she will get all the "gentle" petting she wants as long as she waits this out a little. All said, Chloe has been such a patient, sweet kitty!