Favorite Color: Pink
Favorite Food: Sweet Potatoes and Peas
Favorite Drink: Breastmilk
Favorite Dessert: Applesause
Favorite CD: Martina McBride and Keith Urban
Favorite Read: 'Happy Baby Words' by Roger Priddy. I enjoy this book because I "love" looking at other kids and watching them play and this book has plenty of that going on. It also has a picture of a cat that I love.
Hobbies: Playing Patty Cake, Peek-a-Boo and searching the floor for exciting new items. This is especially fun when Mom hasn't vaccumed yet.
Pet Peeves: When Mom vaccums. I also hate nap times. I do everything I can to stay awake. I find that shaking my head back and forth a lot works very effectively. If all else fails, just scream until Mom and Dad give in. I have a lot more endurance than they do so this is good too.
New accomplishments: This month I have learned a lot. I am scooting. Okay - so it's not crawling, but it gets me to where I need to get. Mom and Dad are trying to teach me to crawl, but I am really enjoying the scooting method and think that it works just fine. Sometimes I like to get Mom and Dad excited by getting on all fours and move my back legs as if I am crawling, but then I just crawl in place. It's funny to see them scramble around for all the cameras in the place. I am able to get from a sitting position to the crawling position. I can pick up any item, regardless of how small it is. I like to taste EVERYTHING. I have amazing vocal chords and have started to find my range this month (very loud).