Friday, April 21, 2006

We had a great Easter weekend. Riley's Grandma and Grandpa Marchant visited. We started off on Saturday with an Easter egg hunt. Riley got to visit with the Bunny for a while and then was off for the hunt. She got several eggs and we all enjoyed the candy inside! In the process of getting eggs she realized that if she stomped on them real hard they would open. She was thrilled with the discovery. After the egg hunt she was off to visit the bear. She shared one of her eggs with the bear, which she was sure to get back before we left the park. We then went to dinner and visited with Chuck E. that evening. Riley didn't eat much, she never does when we go there, but she had a great time. She really enjoyed the time she got to spend when Chuck E. came over to do some singing and dancing. Riley was singing and dancing and having a great time. We then went home and colored some eggs. Riley's favorite part of that was getting to climb up on the ladder to get to the eggs! Nevertheless, we got it done without a disaster.
On Easter morning Riley started off with an egg hunt at home. She did a good job and was able to find her eggs . We all had a great Easter. It's amazing how one little girl can make the day so special and keep everyone laughing all day.
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Riley and Mom on top of the World!

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Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Oh, it must be nice...

To brush your teeth without a care
in the world,

To be able to brush your teeth in
the sink,

To look cute, even with drool down
your chin,

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Always on the Go!

Riley is always on the go - always a
task that must be completed!
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Riley and Snuggles

Riley loves taking Snuggles on her walks. It makes
it difficult at the park, however. She never wants
to leave him in the stroller so she is trying to do
all her activities while holding onto Snuggles. Fun!
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Good Hair Day

Now that Riley likes to sit and brush
her teeth I can put a little something
in her hair. Granted it only lasts for
as long as it took me to put it in!
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In Memory of Eric

Thanks grandma and grandpa
for the flowers in memory of Eric's
21st birthday. They are beautiful.
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Nature Girl

Riley enjoys ANYTHING outside - rocks, trees, grass, flowers, soda cans..... Posted by Picasa

The Simple Things in LIfe

Riley just loved this dandelion and
it kept her content for quite a while!
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Friday, April 07, 2006

A Fun Day at the Park

Riley doesn't enjoy anything more
than a day at the park. Her favorite
things to do at the park are the slide.
She really loves playing with other
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Riley was miserable as she got her new teeth. She cried inconsolably. It started out as a normal day and the first sign was a very "scary" looking (and smelling) diaper. And we were off. I must have went through fifteen diapers that day - maybe more. Riley reminded me of a doll I used to play with that had a bottle and as soon as any water went in the doll's mouth it came out the other end. That was Riley. Riley muddled through two days of this but was extremely miserable. The next day was the same. I was very worried about her becoming dehydrated, but she kept filling up her diapers and had a great source of tears coming out her eyes. She was quite a trooper.

Finally - teeth!

Can you see Riley's new chompers?

Riley "loves" brushing her teeth. When
I even mention "toothbrush" she is headed
off into the bathroom - with or without me.

Mom and Riley getting ready for bed.  Posted by Picasa