Thursday, September 21, 2006

Go Cougars!!

What a great game!! Riley did "okay" during the first and second quarter, started to get very difficult in the third quarter, and luckily went to sleep in the last quarter. Yeah! The Quest Stadium is really amazing and we had a great time. We had a tailgate party before the game started which was also pretty fun. I think all in all Riley enjoyed her first football game. When she watches football with Jason, she looks at him, looks back at the television screen, then starts yelling at the TV, just like her daddy is. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Taking a break

This is a pic of Riley as we are all getting dinner ready! Boy, she has it rough, huh?
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Riley and Papa's Boat

Riley loves papa's boat and requested that Jason bring her to it, as then I took these pics. We had no idea what she was trying to do and then she took Jason's hand and this is where she lead him.
The guys had a great couple days fishing and caught some pretty-good-sized fish. I will have to post those later as I am having trouble loading those pics.
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Pretty Please, Daddy!

A picture of Riley begging daddy for a boat ride! Posted by Picasa

Fun in the Sun

Riley loved the sprinkler at grandma and grandpa's house. She was running through their yard at top speed.  Posted by Picasa

Fun with Daddy!

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Up - Up - and away!!

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