We had a wonderful Christmas; of course, how can you not with a 2-year-old little girl? Riley was opening presents "all" day. Her favorite gift was her Baby Lissy doll from Santa Clause. As a matter of fact, she takes Baby Lissy to daycare with her every Friday for show-and-tell. (Do you think the other kids are getting a little tired of this already?) After opening her doll, she kept saying to me, everytime I would even come near the doll, "This is my baby, not yours. I take care of her." She still lets me know that Baby Lissy is hers, not mine! We had a beautiful dinner. Mom made prime rib that was to die for! Mom, grandma and I took in some after-Christmas shopping the next day, while dad and Jason babysat Riley. And to top everything off... we got snow that afternoon. We couldn't resist and had to go out and make a snowman and throw a few snowballs, of course!
Riley is working very hard to make her cookies for Santa. After this she poured a nice glass of milk for him. He must have loved her cookies because they were all gone in the morning!