Thursday, July 03, 2008

Swimming Lessons

Riley really improved with her swimming lessons. She's so funny to watch. When she first gets in the water, she gets such an adrenaline rush. She'll dunk her head in the water, come up out of the water, body shaking, and scream! It's hilarious. She doesn't stop moving in the water. She'll still be a minnow for the next swimming lessons, but let's keep our fingers crossed that she'll be a guppie soon!

Limbs in the Car, Please!!!

Imagine my surprise when I see Jason and Riley pull up with Riley just lounging in her carseat with her foot out the window. Jeesh!

Finally... Sunshine!

We were so excited to finally have some nice weather! Riley goes to this park with her daycare for a field trip every year. It's called Forest Park and is it fun! There's a little water park, pony rides, a small petting zoo, you name it.

Gymnastics Graduation

Riley had a great gymnastics graduation. They even had a little routine, which was pretty cute and had the parents very entertained! Riley loved her teachers, especially Teacher Natalie. At home Riley pretends to be teacher Natalie and wants to teach her mommy and daddy how to do somersaults, wall climbs, et cetera.