Thursday, April 22, 2010

Fun Earth Day Project

This is a great project, for any age! Riley loved it and is so proud of her, what she calls, "Planet earth ball." And the best part is I didn't have to buy one thing for it! We took her pink ball, which I'm sure every child has. The hard part is Riley's was, of course, pink, so it was a bit difficult in covering the pink up.

I mixed some glue, water, and baking soda in a pie baking dish. Then was took some blue tissue paper, soaked it in the mixture, and Riley just started putting it around her ball and very patiently putting it on. Riley usually does not have the patience for any project that takes too much time, but she really enjoyed this. Once it was all covered, we then turned our little space heater on and dried it. It dried very quickly.

Riley then painted it a light blue, dark blue and white, however she wanted to do it. She loved this part.

While she was doing the painting, I Googled "Continents, free art clippings" and got the seven continents that I printed off and Riley later colored. For each continent I would read to her the climate and animals that lived on this continent. She then colored them accordingly! She loved telling Jason that night at the dinner table that Antartica was a desert.

I looked long and hard for some great Earth Day projects but had a hard time coming up with anything. That's why I'm posting this. Riley really learned a lot from this and really enjoyed it. We'll probably do it again next year.... with Reagan!
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A Day at the Park

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Friday, April 02, 2010