Saturday, March 23, 2013

Happy 8th birthday, Riley Roo!

 Daddy and Poppa made Riley this beautiful bed for her American Girl doll.  The bedding came from Urban Dreamz.  I absolutely love Urban Dreamz and can't wait to order a few more things from them.  Beautiful!

This year Riley chose a St. Patrick's Day theme!

 Daddy surprised Riley by showing up at her school for lunchtime and presenting her with a rose.  She felt very special...

 Make a wish!

 American Girl Doll clothes (or Journey girls clothes!  Not quite as expensive...)

I think Reagan may need one of these doll beds herself!

And our birthday wish for you:  May you always be happy, healthy and wealthy... so that you can take care of us when we are old :)  (Daddy and I know you already understand our warped sense of humor!)

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