Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Keeping busy!

Finally able to blog - at last! Hopefully it will continue. We have been so busy with Christmas shopping, Jason's night school and me trying to get my appeals done. It's hard to do with Riley here. Naps just aren't long enough! I wish we had family closer to watch her sometimes - I am sure they would enjoy it too! Things will be so much easier when I get caught up on my work.
Riley is doing great and getting so big. She started crawling up on me today and just took her hand off me and stood up on her own. I was shocked. It only lasted for three second, but that seemed like a long time! She waves goodbye now and "loves" Baby Einstein videos. She is also able to throw quite a tantrum now. Sometimes I can't believe how those fits can come out of her. For instance, I put her down at 7:00 for bed and she is in her crib screaming like you wouldn't believe. It's 7:42 right now. She will probably keep going until 8:00, but the good news is is she will sleep all night in her crib until about 7:00. Since we were out shopping today she is overtired and very miserable. We have a doctor's appointment for Riley tomorrow where she will be weighed and given her second flu shot.
Talk to you all later.

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