Thursday, June 22, 2006


Favorite Color: Red! She came home from daycare with red paint yesterday as she was fingerpainting. Her hands looked so funny. This morning she colored her colorbook page all red so I am assume she must be partial to this color!

Favorite Food: Peas, Peas, Peas!!! She runs around the house yelling "P-P-P." This is not to be confused with having to use the potty since she is not yet potty-trained.

Favorite Dessert: Any fruit. She loves it. I bought her frozen blueberries for teething and it's one of her faves. She also loves Jello.

Favorite Song: "The wheels on the bus" We sing this in the car all the time and will put a cow, kitty, dog, et cetera on the bus and do their sounds and she thinks it's hilarious. I love hearing Riley do sounds of different animals. She likes to mimic a dog, kitty, bear, tiger and cow. It's very funny. "You are my Sunshine" is her other favorite song. It makes her very sleepy as it is a song she hears right before bedtime.

Favorite Read: "Snuggle Puppy" and "Pajama Time" by Sandra Boynton. These are the cutest books and she has so much fun with them. She loves any books that has animals in them.

Hobbies: Chasing Chloe around the house. She is "constantly" chasing her. She will go up to chloe and lay her head down on her. Chloe is not too crazy about this! Right now Riley loves so many things. She is really good at putting puzzles together and loves them. She loves coloring. Her favorite thing to do right now is standing on objects and then running down. She will do it over and over and over. Last week she stood up on the couch and jumped! It scared me so much because I had never seen her do anything like that before. It looked like it hurt. She pitched the biggest fit when I wouldn't let her do it anymore. It's so crazy how children this age have no fear. Terrifying actually.

Pet Peeves: Anything that requires confinement, i.e., diaper changing, clothes changing, et cetera. It actually takes two people sometimes to hold her down. Her favorite words are "No-no-no." (She is in daycare with a two year old you see)

New Words Riley is Saying: Kitty, dog, pea, "vroom" whenever she sees a car, "whadda" (what's that?) She always says, "Oh, no," when she drops something or something isn't working right for her. It's funny because she tries repeating words you say now so it's hard to do this list, but this is a list of her favorite words, the ones she says the most.

New Accomplishments: (or maybe I should say activities) Where to begin... Riley has changed so much from twelve months to fifteen months. It's pretty spectacular how much they change in those months. She doesn't walk, she runs -- everywhere. She doesn't want help doing anything. When I try to help her she pushes my hand away and says, "No!" She feeds herself well with a fork or spoon. She is able to climb up on just about anything.

Funny Moments: While camping one of the children took a toy that Riley wanted. Riley had been around cousins and was ready to fight for the toys she wanted! As a complete surprise to us she all of a sudden put her hands up, open handed, and went rooooaaar! (the sound that we always do for a bear!) It was so funny and we are not quite sure why she did that. I can only surmise that from playing at home and doing the "scary bear" she thought perhaps this would scare her cousing into giving her the toy.

We were in the post office two days ago and she saw a bear (those pink breast cancer bears) hangin up for sale. There were about fifteen people behind us in line and when she saw the bear she turned around to the line of people and, again, did the hands up and the "rooooaaar" Everybody thought that was pretty funny.

That same day (never a dull moment) I was in a hurry to get to the post office as I had to have some work out that day. I gathered Riley up not realizing she had somehow gotten a hold of a bite-size Reeses cup that we had taken camping. I put her in her car seat and when I went to get her out of the car at the post office, low-and-behold, she was a chocolate mess! I was shocked at first then realized what had happened. I wonder what the people in the post office thought of a little toddler with chocolate all over her face and clothes roaring at them?!

Everyday there is a funny story. Riley is a character. This is such a fun age for parents because they are changing so much and really starting to have their own independent ideas on EVERYTHING! I love it - well, most of the time.

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