Friday, October 20, 2006

Pumpkins - pumpkins everywhere!

We had a great time over Jason's birthday! We went to Leavenworth and met Jason's parents, Uncle Jermy (as riley calls him) and Aunt Val. What a great fun town. The fish hatchery had "Salmon Fest days" and Jason ran in a small marathon there. Wow - the hatchery there put on a very impressive festival. I hope my dad can go next year as I think he would really enjoy seeing it.

We also went to this pumpkin patch where there was a petting zoo, play area, and a great farm with many yummy things!

Leavenworth is a pretty impressive little town with tons of character! There is something to see and do at every corner - literally
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1 comment:

Cindy Marchant said...

Wow what a neat Pumpkin Patch. Yes, dad and I will have to make it up there for one of the festivals. They are always asking for volunteers to work it. Glad you all had a great time and looks like you had nice weather, too!