Friday, June 08, 2007

You Did It!!!

Today I had to leave for work very early, before Riley woke up. Jason was fit-to-be-tied with Miss Riley as she was very grumpy when she woke up. He offered her her favorite, a sticker. Riley, as always, decided to put a sticker on daddy's face thinking it was very funny. The sticker was a happy face, flourescent pink sticker that said, "You did it!" (These are stickers I give Riley when she's done something good) Jason gets Riley dressed and off they go to McDonalds to get some breakfast burritos. Jason thought the woman who worked at McDonald's was looking at him kind of oddly. Then off they went to Kristi's house, Riley's daycare. Hmm, was Kristi also giving Jason a funny look? Then off to work for Jason. He entered his work, passed the secretary, and proceeded to work with his customer for the day, a customer that he will be working with for the rest of the week. After a while of running tests, the man (custumer) turned to Jason and asked him if he was aware he had a sticker on his face. So yes, through the McDonald drive-thru, Riley's daycare, and at his work, Jason had sported the happy-faced, hot pink "you did it!" sticker on his left cheak! As always, Riley had the last laugh.


Cindy Marchant said...

OMGawd!!! Bwuhahahah!! That's so funny!! Poor Jason!

Cindy Marchant said...

Hey you blogged finally!!