Friday, June 06, 2008

Woo-Hoo - Bloom's Day 2008

I "love" Bloom's Day! It is definately one of the highlights I look forward to.
First of all, I really miss Spokane. It's a "bit city feel" without all of the freakin' traffic! I had a great race, beating any of my previous times by quite a bit. (although, that's not saying much!) You have to really admire all the great entertainment along this race! It truly keeps you going and motiviated. I particularly love running past the group of nuns that are chearing for everyone!

Riley and Lauren taking a little break from all the excitement!

Riley and Lauren being goofy - as usual!

Look at that poor soul trying to finish this race!
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Cindy Marchant said...

Good for you Shelly!!!

Cindy Marchant said...
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