Friday, April 17, 2009

Riley at 4 years old!

Favorite breakfast: All breakfast food! It's her best meal of the day, the one I can actually get her to eat.
Favorite Lunch and dinner: Mac and cheese (Can't wait till that changes!) Tamale pie, Sloppy joes...
Favorite song: Single Ladies by Beyonce; Country Boy by Allen Jackson
Favorite color: Rainbow colors
Favorite game: Hide and Seek
Favorite book: Favorite-go-to book is Rechenka's Eggs. (Thanks, Debbie, for introducing that book and author.)
Favorite movie: Cinderalla, Parts 1, 2 and 3.
Favorite type of clothing: Any "twirly" dress.
Favorite play: Going to the park!
Shoe size: 10
Clothing size: Size 4 in little girls. No more toddler!
Weight: 42 lbs.
Height: Not sure on this one, but she's tall compared to the other girls in her class, so we'll see!

Riley is a very spunky little girl who always knows exactly what she wants and how she wants it. She talks non-stop at this point, even in her sleep. One of the first sentences out of her mouth when she turned 4 was, "Now I'm grown up, and I can do what I want." She had this funny notion that life was going to be changing for her, 3 going on 16, I swear!

She has a heart of gold. For her school evaluation, the teacher wrote how sweet she was to all the other children. She has already a cute, quirky sense of humor and can come up with the most outrageous comments. She loves a good joke, a nice bubble bath, a visit to a park, making shapes out of clouds, snuggling, and the list goes on.


Cindy Marchant said...

Single Ladies?? Ha ha!

rustycupboard said...

She is so fun, full of life and happy. Love to be around her.
Grandma Helen