Saturday, February 20, 2010

Reagan at 5 months

Reagan is already 5months. Really... where does the time go? She is a lot different baby than Riley; she has to be, since there is not enough room in the world for two Rileys! I suppose that's the way it usually works. While there may be a few similarities in their personalities at this age, there are many, many differences. Reagan is a very relaxed baby, doesn't cry very often, and just an all-around mellow little baby. She actually sleeps through the night! I can remember night after night with Riley where she just wasn't able to sleep at all. I suppose it could have something to do with the fact that we know with Reagan that she'll actually still be breathing in the morning. I honestly would run to Riley's crib every half hour, sure that this time she wouldn't be breathing. (I mean, I hadn't heard any crying for 30 minutes!) There were times when I would panic and whip Riley right out of her crib to check if she was still breathing. Jeesh, poor Riley. We're just the opposite with Reagan. Jeesh, poor Reagan.

Happy 5 months, Reagan!
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1 comment:

rustycupboard said...

Oh, I love the pictures and all. Reagan is a beautiful baby. Riley makes a wonderful sister. I love them both so much. You are blessed.