Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Riley's American Idol

This boy, Tim Urban, is a boy that I vote for every week on American Idol. Riley insists upon it. She loves this boy, and I hate to say it, but she's already determined to vote for him before he sings. Simon was so rough on him his first performance that it has just fueled Riley to vote for him every week. I mean, I'm sure that's the reason and not that she has a 4-year-old crush on this boy, right? I must say, she really lights up when he sings. As for my favorite, definately Andrew Garcia. I am blogging about this because, who knows, maybe Tim Urban will be the next big thing and when Riley is 16 we can look back and say remember when... Riley feels she has a big part in this boy's future. When he was saved last week, which was indeed a huge surprise, she said "It's sure a good thing I voted." You're welcome, Tim Urban. Your fate, atleast to my 4-year-old daughter, lies in her hands! Okay, I've got to go text my votes now.
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1 comment:

Cindy Marchant said...

He's hanging in there. Can't believe the judges were criticizing him for smiling too much! Jerks!