Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Purple Boots

Sunday morning we decided to go to our favorite breakfast restaurant. Of course, Riley had a complete meltdown as she was wanting to wear her "Purple" boots, not the brown ones I had put on her. It was a huge fight to get her out the door, but luckily we did.

On the drive, Jason is feeling proud as his little girl is wearing her Seahawks (he calls it Seagals) dress, he is wearing his jersey, and all is well in the world.

Then we get to the restaurant. Unbeknownst to us, Riley had confiscated a purple marker from home and had been busy the whole drive to the restaurant making her nice new brown boots the color -- you guessed it -- purple! Yep, that's right.

While waiting for our table, Riley said, "Look mama, purple boots."

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