Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The weather has been great the last couple of days, so Riley and I have been hitting the parks! Wow - we haven't been to the park in a while, and I can't believe how much she has changed just in that little time! The things that I used to have to help her with, she no longer needs (or wants) my help with. Riley has quite an imagination. This play-thing that she is on now looks somewhat like a boat. Riley would slide down the slide, scream "Sharks, Sharks, Sharks," then run around as fast as she could to the other side and climb up, do the whole thing over again. Several times she would warn me also about the sharks, and I would have to stand up on the play area with her!
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1 comment:

Cindy Marchant said...

Oh how cute! I'd love to scrap that!