Friday, April 06, 2007

Happy Birthday, Miss Riley!

Riley's day started off with one of her favorite gifts, and that was this little Mermaid dress. She is so proud of this dress. It's very special to her and she is always asking to wear it, even when it's not very convenient! She had just opened this Elmo chair and was very excited. We made her favorite breakfast, which was strawberries and sausage - that's right - strawberries and sausage! Riley and I stayed home together this day and worked on our party favors and just getting ready for her birthday. It was a day of her "favorites," so of course that included a trip to the park!

It's hard to believe our little girl is two-years old. We love you, Riley!
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1 comment:

Cindy Marchant said...

Oh I LOVE this pic!!!