Sunday, September 23, 2007

Lil' Seagal!

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Funny Blurbs!

Riley says hilarious things every day. I thought I would blog one day of "silly comments."

1. Jason was going to run after dinner and was on his way in the kitchen for seconds. I reminded Jason that since he needed to run he might want to think about seconds! Riley, with her body puffed up and head down, with eyebrows furled up, said, "Don't tell my daddy not to eat; he needs his energy!"

2. "Mommy, I forgot what I was going to say. What was I going to say?" I reply, "I don't know, Riley. To which she replies, very frustrated, "No, mom, what was I going to say? I don't remember. What was I going to say! TELL ME WHAT I WAS GOING TO SAY!!" We must have went round and round with this forever, as I am trying to convince her that I really had no idea what she was going to say!

Puyallup State Fair

Riley enjoyed her first fair last weekend. What a great time we had! I was very nervous when Riley got on her first ride, which was probably too fast of a ride to be her first. I "pretended" to be very enthusiastic, however! She wasn't too sure and just kept looking at me to see if it was fun or not. Finally she decided that it was very fun, and that was the end of any hesitation. She and Lauren went on rollercoasters, helicopters, haunted houses, you name it! Riley and I went to the fair with some friends, Danielle and Lauren. The two girls were so funny together. In the helicopter ride, they are actually holding hands! (check out the photo album on the side of the fair!) It was pouring rain that day, but on the other hand, nice that we didn't have any lines for the rides! This pic is of her visiting Diego.
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Go Cougs!

What a great cougs game! Riley was a very faithful chearleader! She got a kick out of being able to yell as loud as she wanted without hearing, "Inside voice!!" And trust me, she took advantage! I absolutely love going to football games and hope we can get to a Seahawk's game. Looks like they're doing good this year so it might be hard to get tickets.
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Friday, September 07, 2007


Riley made some yummy cookies with mawdga!
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Miss Riley

Riley is growing so fast. She herself marvels at how she's growing: "Look at how big I am!" There is not a day that passes that something hilarious does not come out of her mouth. Today we took a bike ride to the park and she kept pulling up my shirt in the back and saying, "Tickle, tickle, tickle!" Riley's favorite color is purple. Her favorite food is any fruits. She loves to sing songs, dance, play games, ride bikes, make believe, paint, crocs, dresses, playing ball, frogs, slides, parks, fruit, Seahawks, trains, airplanes, cookies after daycare, a fire on cold evenings, costumes, flowers, the ocean, animals, parks, bike rides, driving with the windows rolled down, et ceters. Riley reminds me to enjoy these simple things myself.
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Labor Day Weekend

Mount Hood from the Fish Hatchery

Riley's catch of the day!

This is a busy time of year for my dad; the fish are coming up the ladders! I remember when I was a little girl and the men at the hatchery were doing the spawning, I would try to collect all the fish eggs that had accidently fallen on the ground. I also enjoyed seeing the two-headed or albino eggs that would be in the fish trays. I love that Riley will get a chance to enjoy this also.
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Hood to Coast Race

Jason had a great race in Seaside, and Riley and I really enjoyed it also! What an amazing race this is. We really enjoyed walking around and seeing all the vans decorated, and the excitement of all the racers was contagious. Jason did such a great job and is looking forward to doing it next year.

Ahhh, Brent took this photo. Hopefully Daniell and Lauren will get to come next year!

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Hide 'N Seek

It's so hard to believe Riley is almost 2 and a half year's old! Her favorite game is hide 'n seek. Isn't this a great hiding spot?! Hard to beat! Riley is a constant chatter bug. Not too much quiet time at this point. She has something to say about everything and her own opinion on everything. Today she made the comment, "Mommy, when I was little I used to go there." When she was little?!?! Oh, she thinks she's such a big girl already.
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