Sunday, September 23, 2007

Funny Blurbs!

Riley says hilarious things every day. I thought I would blog one day of "silly comments."

1. Jason was going to run after dinner and was on his way in the kitchen for seconds. I reminded Jason that since he needed to run he might want to think about seconds! Riley, with her body puffed up and head down, with eyebrows furled up, said, "Don't tell my daddy not to eat; he needs his energy!"

2. "Mommy, I forgot what I was going to say. What was I going to say?" I reply, "I don't know, Riley. To which she replies, very frustrated, "No, mom, what was I going to say? I don't remember. What was I going to say! TELL ME WHAT I WAS GOING TO SAY!!" We must have went round and round with this forever, as I am trying to convince her that I really had no idea what she was going to say!

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