Friday, September 07, 2007

Miss Riley

Riley is growing so fast. She herself marvels at how she's growing: "Look at how big I am!" There is not a day that passes that something hilarious does not come out of her mouth. Today we took a bike ride to the park and she kept pulling up my shirt in the back and saying, "Tickle, tickle, tickle!" Riley's favorite color is purple. Her favorite food is any fruits. She loves to sing songs, dance, play games, ride bikes, make believe, paint, crocs, dresses, playing ball, frogs, slides, parks, fruit, Seahawks, trains, airplanes, cookies after daycare, a fire on cold evenings, costumes, flowers, the ocean, animals, parks, bike rides, driving with the windows rolled down, et ceters. Riley reminds me to enjoy these simple things myself.
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