Monday, April 28, 2008

Birthday Party

Riley's good friend, Lauren, turned 4 this weekend. All the kids had a great time at the party which was held at the Children's Museum.

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Riley loves Cinderella. This is her friend, Lauren, and her getting ready to go to the Cinderella play. They had a great time. The play was wonderful and we can't wait to go to Pinocchio one next month. Riley sat at the edge of her chair and was mesmerized the entire play. Riley loved dressing up but wouldn't dream of letting me touch her hair. No way!
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Saturday, April 19, 2008

Easter '08

Check out the Easter album in the right column I just posted!

We had a great time at my parents over Easter. Riley's focus was finding Easter eggs. She had a great time. We then went to a beautiful Easter brunch. Riley just asked me yesterday how the Easter bunny knew she like rain boots so much.

Riley's three Easter pics!

Age 1
Age 2
Age 3
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Thursday, April 17, 2008

My cute girl with her Easter dress on!

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Looking for the Easter basket

Riley running out of her room ready to search for her Easter basket and eggs.
What!!?? The Easter Bunny hid her basket up on a beam!
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Easter Dinner

Mom made a great low-fast Easter dinner! Doesn't look so lowfat, does it? Yum.
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And finally taking a little break!

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Sunday, April 06, 2008

Eric's Birthday

I'm posting in blue as that was Eric's favorite color. I know my mom always wonders what Eric would be in his life right now, as do I. I believe he would have been a lost and waundering soul for some time. Eric was very sensitive and creative. Who could forget his crazy stories he would write, his intense anger when the TV Guide would be incorrect about its late-night TV lineup? He would yell that he was going to write a letter to TV Guide. Can you imagine a little boy yelling that he was going to write a letter to the TV networks? I believe Eric would have taken our family from "conventional" to "unconventional." Instead of doing what society tells people they have to do, he would have broken the mold and felt free to do what he wanted to do, however crazy and "unconventional" it might seem to some. I miss Eric every day, and like I always say, knowing Riley and Eric the way I do, the two would have been an incredible duo. Happy Birthday, Eric. I miss you so much, the late-night Christmas stories, secret eye rolls between the two of us, French toast, and the love for music I will never forget.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Happy Birthday, Riley!

Wow!! What a birthday Miss Riley had! She really enjoyed getting to spend time with her grandparents. Jason and I can't believe Riley is three years old. I remember when Riley was a baby people would come up to me in stores and say enjoy it because it goes by so fast. I would just laugh and go on my merry way. Well, now I find myself wanting to tell that to other woman that, yes indeed, enjoy it because it "does" go by so fast! Every day Riley keeps us laughing with her never-ending funny comments, creative imagination, and dramatic meltdowns. We love it all. Maybe we don't enjoy the meltdowns at the time, but they're sure a chuckle for Jason and I when we have endured!! I big high-5, for sure!!

Okay. Riley has entered a magical age, in her own world. For the first two weeks, she thought she had grown 3 feet. It was hilarious. Every time she would reach for something, she would say, with shock on her face, "Look, I can reach this! Boy, have I grown! Can you believe it?" She was amazed with herself for quite a while. I truly believe she thought 3 was a magical age and the world was going to open up. Afterall, this was the age she was able to start gymnastics without mom and dad, the age where she was able to play at McDonalds legally, use the play area at Ikea, and getting to use the "big kids'" room at daycare.

We love you so much, Riley! Happy birthday. Here's a poem that Dad and I agreed reminded us a lot of you:

“What Is A Little Girl!”
She's a bundle of sweetness, brightness & fun
The beauty of springtime, the warmth of the sun
She's Innocence covered with mud, sand, & soot
She's Motherhood dragging a doll by the foot...
She's a composite picture of giggles & tears
Of tantrums, excitement, amusement & fears
A bundle of mischief and often a tease
A creature of moods not easy to please...

Who'll capture your heart with her pixie-like grin
Or chatter and beg till your patience wears thin
But obedient, naughty, mischievous or coy
She's Mom's little Darling & Dad's Pride & Joy.

Riley's 3rd birthday

Riley made grandma a nice lunch.

Grandma and Riley preparing a masterpiece.

Riley loved her new sunglasses form Uncle Jon, Aunt Sue, Brayden and Cheyenne. She even had to wear them while opening the rest of her gifts!
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Finally... she's able to pay her own way....

We're happy to report that our daughter has finally got herself a job! Okay, this was her "second" third birthday party with her grandpma and grandpa Hoyt, and did she have a good time. These pics were taken at the children's museum in Seattle. This party's theme was Cinderella. What a contrast to the Spiderman party with her Mawda and Papa, huh?
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Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Funny Faces

I just love these pictures of Riley. They crack me up. She will never have this much fun at a photo shoot again. Either that, or I'll never get just a normal nice smiling picture again. She loved acting out each face: mad, happy, sad, scared, ambarrassed, sneaky. This was right up her alley!
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