Tuesday, March 02, 2010

"Almost" 5 going on 16

Or so she thinks she's 16. Riley is quite a handful. She's ready to take on the world, or so she thinks. She insists she wants to be a singer when she grows up. Her idol is Taylor Swift, and she knows the words to her songs by heart. Her favorite song and video is Love Story. She'll watch this video several times in a day and act out the video. Riley "loves" jewels. I'm pretty sure her Mawda is the reason for this. When Riley was 2-years-old Mawda bought her a bag of jewels from the Disney store. And the rest has been history. When she saw that Edward, from the movie Twilight, glittered like diamonds in the sun, she said, "Isn't Bella so lucky? (sigh, sigh) Her boyfriend sparkles." She wishes she could have a boyfriend who looked full of diamonds in the sunshine. For whatever reason, Riley has been enamored every since with jewels. She loves music and music videos. She can be the most dramatic little girl you've ever seen. "Laid back" are the last words you would use to describe Miss Riley.

As difficult as she can be, Jason and I wouldn't have it any other way. However, let's hope Reagan is a little lower key, as there really is not enough room in a household for two Rileys!
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Cindy Marchant said...

Riley is such a ham!!! LOL!

rustycupboard said...

go Riley...miss america in action