Saturday, May 20, 2006

Sooo Funny!

I took Riley to Fred Meyer's yesterday. Riley always tries to turn around in the cart so she can see everyone. As we are going through the store Riley is saying (yelling actually) to everyone while waving "hi - hi - hi - hella - hella - hi - hella - hi" all through the store. This is her favorite thing to say now. Jason brought her to me this morning in bed and when she saw me she said, "hi - hi - hella......

Thursday, May 18, 2006

These Baby Hands, Written by Thena Smith

Some day these precious baby hands will clutch a bride's bouquet, will wear a wedding band of gold, will wipe their own babe's tears away.

Some day these tiny baby hands May know of pain and sorrow. But for today, I will treasure each moment and train her for whatever will be tomorrow.
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Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Today was a good day - surprisingly. I took a deposition and was very nervous about leaving Riley at daycare "all" day. She had only been left at daycare for three hours at a time and I was worried it would be difficult for her. Little did I know, I would be the one who would have more of a problem than she did. After my deposition I had a great sense of independence as I was cruising down the freeway and, for the first time ever, didn't get on the wrong freeway, take a wrong turn, et cetera! I realized I was feeling very anxious about picking Riley up and had to really watch my speed. That's where the butterflies come in. Just like the feeling you feel before that first date with someone really special. The thought of seeing Riley actually gave me butterflies in my stomach. I just couldn't wait to see her. We always have such a good time in the car on bright sunny days. Riley loves to have the windows rolled down and the music on. She sits in her seat and bobs her little head and smiles as the wind hits her face. It's hilarious and I love it. We had a great ride home and Riley had a very good day at daycare. What more can you ask for?

Back to Daycare

Riley started daycare on the 15th of this month. I dropped her off at 9:00 a.m. and was there to pick her up at 12:00. Three hours that lasted a lifetime! She was okay the first day. Keep in mind, Riley and I had been visiting the week prior to get her used to the new family that she would be spending time with. She thought it was just another fun visit! She did very well. The next day, however, was more difficult. When I got to Ginger's house (the care provider's name), Riley was sitting on the floor with her favorite bear, Snuggles, and her favorite blanket wrapped around her shoulders. Oh, it could break your heart! I worked very hard in finding good care for Riley. I went to several daycares and interviewed three different families. I couldn't believe how hard it was. The daycares just had a feeling to them that I didn't really care for. I was about to give up and figured we were just going to have to do something else and wanted to cancel this last interview. Jason talked me into "one more". So off I went. As soon as Ginger opened the door, I felt a glimmer of hope, just a small one though as I had had this glimmer of hope at a few of the other prospects. There was Ginger holding a little baby in her arms and a very adorable little girl, Mya, hanging from her leg. Riley instantly liked her and Ginger wanted to know everything about Riley, likes, dislikes, et cetera. Mya took Riley's hand and rushed her into her bedroom and took out every toy she owned and scattered them on the floor. Ginger used to be a nurse and now has two young ones and wants to stay home with them for right now. She wants a play partner for her two year old, Mya, so she is taking in a child to care for. Much better than the one-to-seven ratio that you see in the daycares.

Happy Mother's Day

Riley loved playing in the field after the Mother's Day brunch. You put this little girl outside and she is constantly on the go and hard to control!  Posted by Picasa

Four Generations

What a great Mother's Day! We started off with gifts and cards. Grandpa Zain gave all us girls beautiful corsages. We then went to the Skamania Lodge for a wonderful brunch. Seafood, prime rib, omelets...Oh, we all ate way too much, but it was all so good. We had a little play time at the lodge and then we were off to Uncle Myron and Shiela's home for a nice visit. I love this picture as it is of the four generations. That is so special. My mom actually got a much better one, where we're all looking at the camera and smiling!  Posted by Picasa

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Hey, it's working!

Oh, good, it looks like my blog is working finally! I have been able to post but am not able to see my posts, even though others are! I am also not able to look at my Mom's blog, but can look at other people's blog just fine. Is that wierd or what?

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Last weekend Riley went to her second cousin's (Lauren) birthday party. It started off at Gymboree and Riley was thrilled. Her favorite part of the whole thing? There were balls everywhere! She was in heaven! Notice in every picture she has a ball. She would not let them go and during every activity the kids did she insisted on holding a ball through it.
The next day we were off to Lauren's house for part two of her birthday. I was so curious how Riley would react to the clowns I knew were going to be there. Riley didn't notice anything different about these clowns. To her they were just like everybody else! Never mind the pink hair, big round noses and feet that were two feet long. You gotta love that!
Riley loves outings like this and keeps busy enjoying 'everything'. Nothing slows her down.  Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Riley loves riding around on her car. When she wants mom or dad to push her she will sit on it and make the noise Vvvroom! How can you resist that?  Posted by Picasa

Monday, May 01, 2006

So Wierd!!

This is so unusual! I had done this Easter Post quite a while ago and was extremely annoyed as I didn't see that it had posted. Whenever I pull up my Blog I do not see it. However, today when I got on, what do you know, it was there and people had even left comments on my pics. I was so surprised. I wonder why this would happen? Oh, well, I am just glad that it's there.

Riley and her new rain coat

Posted by PicasaRiley had her shots last week. This was the bad one - measles. Luckily we haven't had a breakout of measles as we were warned might happen. Evidently breakouts are seen more with redheads. Riley's height is in the 50th percentile along with her head size. Her weight is below the 50th. I figured it would be as she doesn't sit for a second. She is constantly running through the house. Anything where she has to sit for too long is of no interest right now. The weight isn't a concern as she has been very consistent with her weight gain for every appointment. Does make a mom feel a little guilty though! So glad the one year shots are done, now we look forward to the 15 month shots!