Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Today was a good day - surprisingly. I took a deposition and was very nervous about leaving Riley at daycare "all" day. She had only been left at daycare for three hours at a time and I was worried it would be difficult for her. Little did I know, I would be the one who would have more of a problem than she did. After my deposition I had a great sense of independence as I was cruising down the freeway and, for the first time ever, didn't get on the wrong freeway, take a wrong turn, et cetera! I realized I was feeling very anxious about picking Riley up and had to really watch my speed. That's where the butterflies come in. Just like the feeling you feel before that first date with someone really special. The thought of seeing Riley actually gave me butterflies in my stomach. I just couldn't wait to see her. We always have such a good time in the car on bright sunny days. Riley loves to have the windows rolled down and the music on. She sits in her seat and bobs her little head and smiles as the wind hits her face. It's hilarious and I love it. We had a great ride home and Riley had a very good day at daycare. What more can you ask for?

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