Thursday, May 04, 2006

Last weekend Riley went to her second cousin's (Lauren) birthday party. It started off at Gymboree and Riley was thrilled. Her favorite part of the whole thing? There were balls everywhere! She was in heaven! Notice in every picture she has a ball. She would not let them go and during every activity the kids did she insisted on holding a ball through it.
The next day we were off to Lauren's house for part two of her birthday. I was so curious how Riley would react to the clowns I knew were going to be there. Riley didn't notice anything different about these clowns. To her they were just like everybody else! Never mind the pink hair, big round noses and feet that were two feet long. You gotta love that!
Riley loves outings like this and keeps busy enjoying 'everything'. Nothing slows her down.  Posted by Picasa


Cindy Marchant said...

Wow, Gymboree looks like a lot of fun.


CameraDawktor said...

Those clowns are kind of freaky looking!

Shelly said...

Lol! One of the clowns was great and funny, with great jokes, et cetera. The other clown (she referred herself as a fairy) was in training. Showed up half an hour late and was almost sickening sweet and, frankly, hard to watch! Of course, the kids didn't notice and that's all that matters! The adults were just looking at one other as if in pain!