Tuesday, July 03, 2007

A Few of Riley's Favorite Things!!

Riley has so many favorites right now. Her favorite toy is her Thomas the Train tent, Little People, and kitchen stuff. When I was doing a job in Oak Harbor, the hearing officer was telling me about a website called starfall.com. So when I got home, I tried this website with Riley, and she loves it. It's helped her with her alphabet, letter sounds, and she simply had a lot of fun with it. Riley's Aunt Sue then told me about this website, as Brayden and Cheyenne enjoy it also. You gotta love fads, huh? Riley loves to help me cook, anything from toast and eggs in the morning, to cupcakes or something fun to take to her school. She helps me set the table in the evenings for dinner. She loves art projects, riding her bike outside, pretending, pretending, pretending!! She is always pretending something wild: sharks are chasing her, her bike is a car and she is driving to the grocery store, she likes to pretend she's tough and says, "I'm gonna bring you down to China town," with her tough voice and fists up in the air when mama and dadda tickle her too much, and much more! Riley absolutely loves books. Story time at the Mill Creek library is a real treat for Riley and I! Her favorite breakfast: egg sandwiches, lunch: peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, Dinner: Pineapple pizza and cottage cheese, favorite snack: Fruit chews. Riley insists on doing "everything" herself, no matter how much it drives Jason and I crazy. When we try to help her go potty, she says, "I need my privacy!" Riley loves routine. She looks forward to her morning when mom and dad get her dressed, breakfast, and off to daycare. In the car with Jason, as he is the one who takes her to daycare, she "always' watches a movie and enjoys the process of deciding which movie this will be.

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