Sunday, July 22, 2007

Summer Fun

What a full summer it has been! Jason is really enjoying having no school and his rowing class. He is already signed up for the next class and would like to eventually get to do a little competing in it. He is looking forward to the relay coming up. Him and his cousin have been occasionally running together to prepare. As a matter of fact, Jason is out running right now! I have been enjoying pilates, but I've been so sore it hurts to cough or breath! I love it. Work has been going really good for me, and I actually enjoy getting to go to different areas around the city, see different things, meet different people, et cetera. Riley has been having a great summer. Her daycare goes on two field trips a week during the summer. Last week she went to the reptile house and held a snake! They also went to the kangaroo zoo where she saw a little joey in the mama kangaroo's pouch! Wow - I've never seen that! She loves her gymnastics class. We're at a point where she is waiting patiently in line for her turn, which is a huge plus for us - trust me:) Riley loves riding her new bike, and I can hardly keep up with her. She has had two accidents, but she gets up and right back on her bike without so much as a whimper. She can open doors now, and when she does it she will say, "Look at my arms. I'm getting so big! " I bought a new shirt the other day and when Riley saw me she said, "Mommy, I love your shirt; it's beautiful!" Okay, you gotta love that! We won't even mention the fact that Jason didn't even notice it was a new shirt, huh?!!?

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