Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My Poor Girl

I'm writing in blue because that's how my girl's feeling. Riley and I went to the Puyallup fair yesterday, which we've done the last two years and have loved it. The only difference is that yesterday is was pretty warm, 80 degrees. I'm not sure if that has had anything to do with her state today, but it all started with a rash I noticed on her skin when we were at the fair. Not the type of rash with heat, like sweat bumps, but a rather lacy-looking red rash that was only in the exposed areas of her skin. I had a 60 sunblock on her, so I knew it wasn't a sunburn. Anyhow, when we got home, she was experiencing some bathroom issues. (I'm assuming Riley is going to read this when she gets older, so I won't go into this area anymore) Okay, several hours later, she "finally" was able to go to the bathroom with her mom and dad sitting on the floor talking her into the fact that it wouldn't hurt and would be okay. She was so excited after she went, and I assumed all was okay.

So today I had a job at 9. I would have loved to have gotten out of it since we were all so tired, but it's hard to get coverage for a 9:00 job. But it was only going to go for two hours, so I figured I could get Riley caught up on her sleep after that point as I'd be able to go pick her up.

I put her in her carseat at 6:30 a.m. and hear, "Momma, my tummy hurts." And that was that; the next thing I know she's throwing up everywhere. I'm pulling her out of her carseat, because she was screaming for me to hold her, and stuff is everywhere: carseat, my freshly drycleaned suit that I had just picked up on Monday, shoes, Riley's new Seahawk's outfit, and a trail into the house. The neighbor ran over and asked if everything was okay. Uhhh, not really, but not too much you can do!

Poor Riley. We've been so lucky because she's never had a stomach cramping-type of sickness before. When I called the doctor and told him about her rash and throwing up, he said he definately needs to see her, which is unusual because usually he says, nope, not too much we can do, to just give her lots of rest and fluids.

Okay, wish her luck. Poor girl. She's sleeping really good right now, so that'll surely help.

1 comment:

Cindy Marchant said...

Poor Riley!!! And poor you too Shelly!! Once we were with Grandma in her car going to Lewiston when you barfed in the backseat!! I had to run into a store and get you some new clothes!
