Saturday, September 06, 2008

Summer Fun

Riley sure enjoyed her swimming lessons. She is eagerly awaiting to move out of Minnows and into the Guppies. I did not have the heart to tell her, the last three swimming lessons, that she is not yet a guppie. She keeps asking me about it, if she passed to Guppies or not, and I'm never quite sure what the best thing to tell her is. I told her she passed. Yep, that's right: I lied!!

As we're leaving the last day of swimming lessons, and I've lied to her about being a Guppie instead of a Minnow, a father asks me, "Did Riley pass into the Guppies?" Yep, he yelled it across the parking lot. Not thinking, I said, "No, she'll be a Minnow next time." Riley said, "No, Mom, I'm a Minnow; why did you tell him that?"

Oh, gee, did I feel awful. It was hard getting myself out of that mess.

Riley is doing great in swimming lessons. She really enjoys it and gets so excited whenever she goes to her lessons; it's hilarious to watch her!

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1 comment:

Cindy Marchant said...

See what happens when you lie? Ha ha!
