Saturday, November 01, 2008

Happy Halloween!

We hope you all had a great Halloween. I have to say, I think Halloween is my favorite holiday. I know that sounds horrible, but I just love the changing of seasons, pumpkins, the no pressure of it all. It's like a month of fun events: pumpkins, farms, costumes, parties... I just love it.

We had a very fun evening. We started off with trick or treating in Kent. Everyone loved Riley's costume. I don't think we passed anyone without a comment and people were asking to take her picture all night. Riley kept saying, "See, Mom, I told you it was a good idea." She was saying that because I didn't really like the whole cupcake idea, mostly because I didn't know how we'd do that. Jason said when he took her into a restaurant to trick or treat, several girls were going crazy over her costume saying they would be cupcakes next year! I think Riley has started a food-crazed costume epidemic in Kent for next year!

It was so nice being in a neighborhood where everyone really gets in the spirit. When we opened the door to our house, you could hear all sorts of scary ghost sounds, wherewolves, you name it.

Riley is such a funny girl. All night I kept hearing, "Boy, they really like my costume. Aren't you glad I wanted to be a cupcake, Mom?"


Cindy Marchant said...

You all looked great!

rustycupboard said...

what an adorable idea. you all look so cute.