What an eventful trip to New York! I was very nervous about Jason not flying with us as he had a business trip to go to. I haven't flown by myself in quite a long time, let alone with Riley! We only had a half hour layover in Cincinatti so I kept explaining this to Riley and how we would have to have a race to get on the plane so we wouldn't miss it. I also told her if we missed the plane we wouldn't get to see grandma and grandpa. Nothing like a few get threats to get them running! And it worked. A couple times she even told me to hurry up! She had so much fun. She was nervous on the plane at times, and even screamed at one point because she thought the "plane was falling out of the sky." Every time the plane would descend it would scare her. Eventually she got used to it and really started to enjoy it.
While in New York we rested a bit and hit a few farm markets. It's such a beautiful area and amazing how open it is. It's such a different feel. The men, of course, found a small chore.
My favorite part? Grandpa's homemade bread! Yum, Yum, Yum! Riley and I were pretty happy campers, I must say. I could live off it... or die trying!
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