Saturday, November 01, 2008

River Berry Farm

What a beatiful place for a visit! I'm so lucky to have relatives that live in some beautiful places, like Fairfax, Vermont. Jason and I have always wanted to visit my Uncle Dave and Aunt Jane's farm, River Berry Farm, and finally got a chance to do so. They grow organic vegetables and small fruit. This summer I wasn't able to tear Riley away from picking raspberries and guess what the first thing Riley did when she got to the farm? Pick raspberries!! Ada and Huck, Dave and Jane's two children, led the way, and the kids were good friends from that point on.

On their farm they grow organic vegetables, strawberries, raspberries, pick your own and pre-picked, 18,000 square feet of greenhouse crops, and 400 organic layer chickens. I might add, the eggs were fantastic. Riley was eating three eggs in the morning and asking for more. No, I think three eggs is probably enough!

Going for a walk on their farm was so beautiful. The fall colors were out, actually we were a little late for the brightest colors, but it was still fantastic. Riley and I's favorite part was probably in the greenhouse picking their cherry tomatoes (I think they were cherry tomatoes) and eating them right there. Oh, they were sooo good. Riley asked for me to buy her some when we got home. I did, and she says they're not as good and won't eat them. Go figure!

Jane's dinners were amazing. Our first night she cooked lamb, squash, brussel sprouts. Now, this does not normally sound like a good meal to me. First off, I've never had "any" of these items. But this was the best dinner. Everything was so beautiful, including her table setting, and delicious. She made a rustic lasagna one night that just tasted so different and good from any other lasagna I've had. All the food they eat is organic, including their meat. And can you believe they have no microwave? That's right! Wow - I admire that. I don't think I could function for an hour. As a matter of fact, I was really fumbling around in the kitchen in the morning!

Their home is a historic landmark and is really amazing. I'm hoping to come up with some more pics to post, but I can't find one right now of their house. In the picture of the table setting, check out the oven there on the right. Isn't that cool?

Well, we hope to return one day, perhaps during their busy time to help out on the farm. Riley would sure love that. Her, Ada and Huck all hit it off. Even Riley and Huck had a fun time, as much fun as a boy Huck's age and Riley's age can have. They are sure some lucky kids, though, growing up like that! Wow!!

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