Saturday, March 23, 2013

Riley at 8!

Favorite Color - Green!  Can you believe this?  Just goes to show, you don't need to worry of their love of pink at a baby/toddler stage, because they most definitely grow out of it, and likely before you're ready for it!  So enjoy their love of pink!  (There was a love of purple before the love of green!)

Favorite dish - By far, Eggs Benedict!  Kind of an odd dish for a girl of that age, but she takes after her mommy in this category!

Favorite toy:  American Girl doll.  Who would've thought?  Not me!  Riley has always been a bit of a Tom boy, so the fact that she loves her doll so much is surprising!

Favorite school subject:  Math

Favorite book series:  Magic Tree House

Favorite Movie:  Wreck it Ralph

Favorite singer:  Taylor Swift

Favorite recess activity:  Jump rope and four square

Favorite clothing:  Riley is so done with dresses.  She is very fond of simple clothing such as shorts and t-shirts, much to her mom's dislike!

Favorite after-school activity:  Rollerblading and bike riding

Oh, my girl is growing so fast.  Hard to believe she is already 8 years old.  She had what she called "The best birthday ever," which is always nice to hear as a parent.  We had a simple birthday party with family, then were off to Carson City for a night.  She loves staying in Carson at a pet-friendly motel (Nala loves this also!), and heading off to her favorite restaurant, Reds Old 395 Grill, followed by an evening in the pool!  We also saw the movie The Great and Powerful Oz.  A very good birthday weekend.

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