Sunday, July 23, 2006

Gift of Gab

Riley is quite a talker! Here are some of the new words and phrases that we get a chuckle out of (and that we can actually understand):

I dit: (I did it!)

Ino, Ino, Ino (Riley uses this phrase when she is upset. Why?
Riley hates diaper changes and cries and has huge
fits. I always console her by saying, "I know, I know,
I know, Riley..." This now has become her favorite
phrase whenever she is frustrated. When I use the
term, you can bet she repeats it after me which is
pretty funny. Reminds me of a thirteen year old
with an attitude.)

Hi, Hi, Hi (Riley LOVES to tell people Hi. Nothing unusual
about this except....She only says "hi" when they
have their backs to her. As soon as they turn
around she gets a case of serious "shyness". So as
we are leaving stores all she is saying is "hi, hi, hi,"
or "bye, bye, bye.")

Baby (We just got Riley her first baby doll, July 23rd,
2006, and she loves this baby doll. If you try to
even touch her baby she says, "Mine, mine, mine!"
We also got her a stroller that she loves pushing
around the house.)

Ba, ba, ba (Ball. She calls everything round "ball."

Apple (Riley will eat ANYTHING if you tell her it's an

Mine (Her favorite word of all time!)

Oh, no!

Pee-boo (Peek-a-boo!)

Bie (Since we started taking Riley for bike rides,
everytime she sees a bike she will point and
say "bike" and become very excited!

Voom (car)

"Pee-pee" or "poo-poo" (Since we bought Riley her potty chair she has
gone "pee-pee" four times in her potty chair,
about six times on the carpet and poo-poo one
time on the porch!)

Vwa (Duh! This means she wants to breastfeed! You
couldn't figure that out?)

Bu (Bird)

Wawa (water)

Shit (This is how she says "shirt." Really! She is not
able to pronounce her "R". )

Fee (Feet)

but (belly button)

Ka (car)

Ki E (kitty)

*Riley repeats EVERYTHING right now. We are really minding our Ps and Qs. It's pretty frightening what little kids will say!*

1 comment:

Cindy Marchant said...

OMG!! The pee-pee, poo-poo is soooo funny!