Monday, July 24, 2006

Jason just starting homework

Jason in the middle of homework

Jason at the end of homework!!!
(Enjoy this while you can because Jason will probably make me take this off when he sees it!)
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Cindy Marchant said...

LOL!!! OMGawd he is going to have a fit if he sees these pics on here! Too funny!!!

CameraDawktor said...

came over here to check you out on suggestion of your mom about riley's latest words.

very cute. my hubs and i had to stop calling each other by name and resort to mom and dad, other wise our kids were calling us by our first name, yuck!

that's so funny about the money in the garbage.

so your hubs is going to school....hope y'all survive THAT!

she is really getting big and sounds like with hating the diaper change she is really ready for potty training. we found that they will pee in a pullup just like a diaper, we found it very hard to potty train with pull ups. we just blocked out a few weeks (summer is a great time because you can be outside more, less mess!) and just put on underwear with the plastic covers and worried about nothing else but potty training.

of course it's gross when they poop in it, and you feel bad for all the people in the world that deal with cloth diapers, but eventually they get it. pretty gross, but it's what worked for us...good luck!